Liberty Temple Ministries

The Bishop Shepard Little Memorial Center, Inc.  is  private, non- profit charitable organization birthed out of the Liberty Temple Church of God in Christ, founded in January, 1999.  Located on Chicago’s south side, it serves residents of West Englewood and New City.

We engage our local community of families and children in organized activities after school and on weekends  to inspire and motivate them to aspire to higher heights.  We target children, youths and young adults who are at risk of academic, economic and family systems failure by addressing issues such as unemployment, job skills deficiency, academic failure and school drop-out, personal, school and home violence, family disunity, health and wellness promotion and disease prevention.

Our mission is to empower, inspire and cultivate personal, social and educational competencies in the lives of children, families and community. We help equip and empower them, through training and education, to build strong, healthy families, to become viable productive and contributing citizens in their homes, schools churches and

This ministry addresses the human and body of Christ needs in the Country of Swaziland.  The educational and tuition needs and housing for orphans are supported annually.  Companion support to the orphanage involved erecting a new church edifice for our sister church who manages the orphan ministry.   Through this component, we also support global ministries that minister to children and families in Africa, Latin America, Asia, and Eastern Europe, providing personal goods, clothing and toys.

The Liberty Temple Church of God in Christ Christian Education ministry consist of the administration and coordination of programs and strategies. Organized curriculum is used for training, to help facilitate the spiritual growth and discipleship of believers to experience the transformation of lives.

Where youth ages 3 to 17 assemble in Sunday School, Children’s Church and other group settings to learn how to have an active life changing relationship with Jesus.  Our mission is to help them learn who Jesus is, what Jesus has is doing for them, and how to have Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Through study of the bible, praying the Word boldly, drama, mime, puppetry, flag ministry, memorization, various activities and art forms the youth fall in love with Jesus and want to worship the Lord, praise the Lord and live a life that’s totally lead by Him.

The Women’s  Ministries is designed to address the spiritual and natural issues  and needs around spiritual and personal growth and maturity of Christian women.  The goal is to strengthen their personal being, family life, increase successful parenting, and equip them to be of service and ministry to others, both in the body of Christ as well as those we are witnessing Christ to. The women are encouraged through fellowship groups, auxiliary and bands ministry and leadership training and an annual family retreat.

Our purpose is to empower the believer to pray God’s word. Motivating them to develop a consistent life of prayer. Learning to communicate effectively our thoughts and desire to God and allowing God to communicate His Will to us is key to our spiritual survival.  Through prayer we will experience God’s presence and gain knowledge for living a victorious life

The heart and primary purpose of the ministry is to exalt the person of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, serve the Kingdom of God and assist the broader community in a multitude of areas.  This thrust is to involve ministerial leadership and the general congregation to participate in and exercise their ministry gifts in one or more of the core Seven Ministry Areas:  Prayer;   Evangelism – Witnessing; Missions – Nursing Home, Hospital, Home Bound visitations, sharing clothing and food to the poor; Follow-up contact; Youth/Children’s Church; Discipleship and  The Family.

Outreach is the Church at work according to God’s plan.  Stretching out to meet the needs of the community at large. We offer services to our community through home visits, evangelism, clothing give-a-ways, food baskets and any other assistance within the realm of the church.

Fellowship opportunities are provided to strengthen and encourage the development of fathers, husbands and role models

The ministerial leadership engages the young and senior men in ministry activities that promote spiritual and personal growth.  They are encouraged to wholly embrace their role as God-men, whether single, or married fathers and priests of their families, and community involvement. Ministry activities include Christian education training through group and mentoring to encourage commitment, responsibility and accountability.